YouTube To Stop TV Interface For Web Browsers


YouTube finally puts a halt on its TV-friendly web interface as several other streaming apps offer similar services.

Earlier, YouTube offered a television interface for people who used the service via an ordinary browser. The interface was commonly accessed by people who had a PC stick or similar devices that can be attached to their TV for streaming purposes.

The URL was solely designed for television viewing and it had larger and better graphics than what is available on the regular YouTube.

The same interface had enabled Amazon to offer a workaround for its Fire TV owners when the company had a quarrel with the IT giant Google last year. Some speculate that this decision to remove the UI option is to prevent any such scenarios in the future.

Also, there’s an increase in the availability of low-cost streaming devices in the market which offer attractive offers and it’d be a viable option for users when compared to connecting an old computer to the TV. Majority of people have already switched to Chromecast, Android Tv or Roku making YouTube’s TV UI unnecessary.

Users who continue to use this service are notified of the termination process, but users will still be able to watch it on the regular YouTube.

AMC Networks exposed data of 1.6 million subscribers


AMC Networks has inadvertently exposed more than 1.6 million subscriber records. The records consisted of information of the company’s subscribers for its Sundance Now and Shudder video streaming platforms.

The discoveries of exposed records were made by a cybersecurity expert Bob Diachenko. According to Diachenko, the data exposed came from a database that consisted of subscriber names, details of the plans they subscribe to and email addresses. The database also included over 3,000 invoices which were processed by Stripe that listed last four digits of subscriber’s credit card also.

Diachenko tried to reach out to AMC Networks but found it hard to get a response from the company. But the database was taken offline soon. In a statement, AMC Networks told Security Discovery Consulting: “We immediately took action to close off this access. We are taking steps to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

Sundance Now is available at $6.99 per month or $59.99 annually where it offers an exclusive variety of video content including dramas, comedies, crime, documentary features, and foreign-language movies. Shudder on the other hand is priced at $4.99/ month or $49.99/year and gives subscribers a premium ‘horror’ experience.

Netflix to make your binge-watching enjoyable


All Netflix subscribers! Hereafter you will get a better sound quality; Netflix has launched “high- quality audio”. Shows like Stranger Things should be watched with the best audio quality but when the internet connection is weak, viewers tend to miss on key bits of the audio, keeping this in mind, Netflix made this update.

The sound quality will be the best despite the internet connectivity you are using. Netflix earlier used such technology in the video; hence the quality of the video is exceptional.

The company quotes, “Some of the most iconic moments in TV and film are defined by their score,” without its beautiful theme music, would The Crown be as majestic? Would the eeriness of Stranger Things come across in the same way?”

“Often the subtlety of sound may go unnoticed, but it can have a profound impact on the atmosphere of a scene and fundamentally change how a viewer responds to it.”

The feature came up when Netflix team was watching Stranger Things 2 with the directors. They felt that the sound quality should match the video while the existing audio quality is limited, after which they discussed with the engineers and sound experts.